Installing Cisco Context Directory Agent
In this article we will take a look at how to install the Cisco Context Directory Agent (CDA) for use with Identity Based Firewalls. In this demonstration, we will be installing CDA using VMware ESXI. A few important things to note: VMXNET 2 & 3 Interfaces are not supported and E1000 types must be used Resource requirements will depend on the intended use of CDA. In this demonstration we are using the minimum recommended requirements which will be covered below. CDA must be able to communicate with Active Directory domain controllers, devices that are going to interact with CDA and any Syslog servers that will be used. CDA communicates with domain controllers on RPC 135 initially before domain controllers establish connectivity on higher ports dynamically. Resource specification used as per recommended minimum hardware requirements for VMware: 2 Virtual Processors 2GB RAM (We are using 4GB RAM for this demonstration) 120GB HD Space E1000 NIC Linux 64-Bit Other OS Once powered on se...